Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Turmoil about who, where , where. how of effective l;and use change is driving rural professional planners crazy
Good planning is not rocket science - it just needs to be done and not be so much the subject of huge interagency swings in emphasis such us
-"The government should do it "
-"The people should do it"
-"Industry should do it "
- The experts should do it "
"More regulation less consultation ,More codes less planning , more incentive less altruism , act global, forget local "
The constant changing of the control agencies and their brief is not helping professionals to learn to cut where it counts ! Effective surgery is a skill it takes a lifetime to excel in

While there is no professional association , the accountants will keep getting the job of cutting our legs off where there is even a hint of blood on the floor .

What do you think ?


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